Photo credit: Thadah

This is just harvested, uncured garlic. It is somewhere between green garlic and fully cured garlic and is a potent medicinal (if you're feeling at all under the weather, a little raw garlic in your diet will set things right!). New Crop garlic is juicy and flavorful and can be used in anything that you'd typically add regular garlic to. It may not come apart from the head as easily as cured garlic will and the skin may not peel the same way. Feel free to use a knife to help separate cloves, if need be. It will store on the counter for a few weeks but won't keep for months the way fully cured garlic will. New crop garlic makes wonderful pesto and is also especially delicious pounded into a paste and added to a simple vinaigrette or green goddess dressing for salads, slaws, or roasted vegetables. Also, try it rubbed onto toast for simple garlic bread and add fresh tomatoes for bruschetta.

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