- Newsletter: The weekly CSA newsletter goes out each Monday and will include reminders about upcoming breaks, any events that might be upcoming, and what veggies to expect in your box that week. If you don't receive it, let us know.
- Bring your own Bag: All boxes remain at the pick-up site to be reused, please bring your own bag to carry the produce home in.
- Make-up Boxes: If you're going away or can't pick-up your box for any reason, let us know at least 48 hours before your pick-up. Your farmer will pack you a make-up box during the dedicated make-up weeks.
- For the 3-season CSA, you can get up to 4 make-up boxes.
- For the Winter season, you can get 2 make-up boxes.
- If you need to skip more than 4 boxes throughout the season, or if you aren't able to provide 48 hours notice: you are welcome to phone a friend and gift your box to them, or donate the produce back to your farmer.
- The Swap Box: Swap boxes will be present at all sites in case there is an item in your box you'd rather swap out for another.
- If you pick up at Chapel Hill or Carrboro Farmers' Markets, we ask that you not swap items from your box for items on the farmers' table.
- If there's something on the table that catches your eye, please wait in line and purchase it separately.
- Visit the Farm: CSA members may visit the farm but must adhere to the TTCF Visitor Guidelines.
- Save the Date: To ensure you don't miss important dates like the start of the season or the August break weeks, please add all CSA dates to your calendar. Click here to view the CSA Calendar!
- Look out for Each Other: Please do not come to pick-up your share if you are sick or experiencing symptoms of Covid-19.