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Help address hunger in our community with traditional produce while supporting an aspiring refugee farmer!

The Share a Share program uses donations from community members like you to purchase traditional Burmese vegetables and herbs such as bitter melon and lemongrass grown by Transplanting Traditions farmers. This traditional produce is then donated monthly to both PORCH, a local food pantry, and the Refugee Support  Center (RSC), who distribute it to refugee families from Burma with limited food access. Transplanting Traditions farmers have reported that access to traditional vegetables is challenging and very important to their health. Many remember the difficulty of resettling in NC and beginning to build a home here. Access to local, fresh, and meaningful Asian produce can greatly help recently arrived refugee families flourish in their new lives.




Please donate to help this project grow! Currently, PORCH and RSC distribute produce from TTCF farmers to over 200 refugee families per month. 100% of donations to Share a Share go directly toward paying farmers for their produce which is then donated to refugee families. 

Please make all checks out to Transplanting Traditions Community Farm with 'Share a Share donation' in the note.

In 2021….

Thanks so much to our partner organizations PORCH and RSC for helping us get TTCF produce to refugee families!


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